Eurion Workshop – 4th February

On the 4th of February, the Eurion Validation Workshop took place in Paris, France.
This meeting gathered around 60 persons from the 8 projects in the Cluster.
It was organized in two parts:
- Presentations about the regulatory context in Europe, Good In Vitro Methods Practices and the validation process towards OECD Test,
- Discution in breakout sessions.
Eurion Annual Meeting – 5th February

On the 5th of February, the Eurion Annual Meeting took place at Institut Imagine in Paris, France.
Oberon & Goliath projects organized this meeting and are at the coordination of the Cluster until the end of March.
This meeting gathered around 150 persons from the 8 projects in the Cluster.
It was organized in two parts:
- An open session in the morning,
- A closed session in the afternoon.
The morning session was done with the presence of Gilles Bloch, DG of INSERM.
The presentations of the open session were held by :
- Tuomo Karjalainen (DG research and innovation, European Comission),
- Mara Ceridono (DG Environnement, European Comission),
- The Eurion Working group leaders (Pr. Pim Leonards, Pr. Dries Knapen and Pr. Andreas Kortenkamp)
The morning session also host two keynotes one on Challenges of endocrine disrupting chemicals done by Dr. Linda Birnbaum and one on the regulatory challenges in Europe done by Dr. Gregory Moore.
During the afternoon 3 sessions of 3 working groups were organized.
We acknowledge the members of our International Advisory Panel who attend to the session: Elise GRIGNARD, Sharon MUNN , Sneha SATYA, Linda BIRNBAUM, Susanne HOUGAARD BENNEKOU , Seema SCHAPPELLE, Mike WADE and Gregory MOORE.