New publication
12 September 2022
> Dissemination > News & Press Releases > Publications

A new scientific article is available open access in Springer A new paper by OBERON partners is available in Springer. The authors are Pierre-André Billat, Céline Brochot, François Brion and Rémy Beaudouin. A PBPK model to evaluate zebrafish eleutheroembryos’ actual exposure: bisphenol A and analogs’ (AF, F, and S) case studies In this article, OBERON scientists demonstrate Read the full article…

Sondage du grand public sur les perturbateurs endocriniens
13 May 2022
> Dissemination > Events > News & Press Releases

OBERON mène l'enquête ! Avez-vous déjà entendu parlé des perturbateurs endocriniens ? Que comprenez-vous exactement quand on parle des perturbateurs endocriniens ? Répondez dans ce formulaire ! L’objectif de cette grande enquête est de comprendre la perception du grand public afin d’identifier les points confus à ce sujet. Nos chercheurs commenteront vos réponses au sondage et répondront à toutes Read the full article…

Young OBERON Challenge
12 December 2018
> Dissemination

The winner of the Young OBERON Challenge During the Annual Meeting of 2022, the winner of the Young OBERON Challenge 2021 was awarded for the highest number of views on social media. All participants present during the Annual Meeting were offered goodies and Sara Kassir received an award for the video published published in November Read the full article…

OBERON Annual Meeting 2022
09 May 2022
> Dissemination > Events > News & Press Releases

OBERON Annual Meeting in Barcelona The OBERON project held its 3rd annual meeting the 5th and 6th of may in Barcelona, where partner and host Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) is based. The meeting was chaired by coordinator Karine Audouze and Robert Barouki from Inserm. Both online and in person, this hybrid meeting gathered around 60 to 70 persons amongst partners Read the full article…

Enquête – Nos chercheurs répondent à vos questions sur les perturbateurs endocriniens !
12 December 2018
> Dissemination > Events > News & Press Releases

Pour vous, qu'est-ce qu'un perturbateur endocrinien? Avez-vous déjà entendu parlé des perturbateurs endocriniens ? Que comprenez-vous exactement quand on parle des perturbateurs endocriniens ? Ce sont des questions que l’on pose dans ce sondage (disponible ici). L’objectif de cette grande enquête est de mieux visualiser la perception du grand public et d’identifier les points encore confus quand Read the full article…

New scientific article on Screening of Metabolism-Disrupting Chemicals on Pancreatic β-Cells
12 December 2018
> Publications

Screening of Metabolism-Disrupting Chemicals on pancreas A new paper as been published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences by Paloma Alonso leading a team of OBERON: Screening of Relevant Metabolism-Disrupting Chemicals on Pancreatic β-Cells: Evaluation of Murine and Human In Vitro Models      Read the article in IJMS Download the article in PDF

EURION New Policy Brief!
5 March 2022
> Dissemination > News & Press Releases

Towards safer chemicals recommendations for reliable test methods to identify endocrine disruptors (EDs) A new policy brief published outlines recommendations for test methods to identify endocrine disruptors (ED). Existing regulations require pesticides and antimicrobial agents to undergo an ED assessment, but legislation will soon require thousands more industrial chemicals to fulfil the same requirements. Current Read the full article…

Watch the interview of one of the team leaders of OBERON on obesity in fish!
19 January 2022
> Dissemination

Des poissons obèses? Cette vidéo nous dit tout! Le professeur Patrick Babin, leader d’un des groupes de travail d’OBERON, a effectué une interview destinée au grand public. Elle informe sur les capacités des perturbateurs endocriniens à influencer l’obésité. Cette vidéo a été réalisée par les associations CESEAU ( et OSE (

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